We finished our Wednesday evening Bible Study using Dr. David Jeremiah’s “Book of Signs.”  This turned out to be an absolutely amazing study.  Everybody walk away knowing a whole a lot more about the “end times” than when we started.  They learned that there is a lot of misinformation our these concerning biblical prophecy.  We  have chosen to take on another of Dr. Jeremiah’s books titled “The Handwriting On The Wall.”  There is the book, and a three book set of workbooks.   If you are interested in joining us for this study, some fellowship, encouragement and prayer (maybe a snack or two as well) please let us know.  We were only able to purchase a few copies for this, but we did find the actual book on Amazon, but the workbooks are only available here.  

8/4/20:  We started our study on this, but it is on hold for right now.  Some unforeseen changes came our way and we are hoping to get back on track with this interesting study!  Stay tuned!  If you have any questions please contact Pastor Ward at pastorward@vccrc.org